Civil & social Activist Hamid Qarluq Released From Taliban Custody

Wednesday, 12/25/2024

A group of civil society activists has announced the release of Hamid Qarluq, an Uzbek civil and social activist, from the Taliban's custody.

This group, called "Hamid Qarluq's Justice Team", wrote in a statement that the health and mental condition of this social activist is not good due to torture meted out to him inside the Taliban's prison.

The group called on human rights organisations and the international community not to be indifferent to the human rights situation in Afghanistan and to defend the freedom and rights of civil and social activists.

Hamid Qarluq was arrested by the Taliban's intelligence agency in Takhar province without any specific charges.

Earlier, the Women's Solidarity Network said in a statement that the civil society activist was collecting donations from people to rebuild schools, parks and help those in need.

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