Taliban's Policies Destroying Peace Prospects In Afghanistan, Says US Envoy

Wednesday, 12/11/2024

Rina Amiri, the US envoy for Afghan women, said on Tuesday that the Taliban's discriminatory policies have added to the suffering of the people, especially Afghan women.

She stressed that these policies destroy the prospects for peace and stability in the country.

In a message on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on Tuesday, Amiri stressed on the importance of human rights in addressing the crisis in Afghanistan.

"Millions of Afghans have suffered human rights violations in more than four decades of war," she said.

"The Taliban's gender-based harassment of women and girls, as well as the Taliban's violation of the rights of ethnic and religious groups, journalists and human rights defenders, has deepened the suffering of the Afghan people," the US special envoy added.

The Taliban have deprived women of all their fundamental freedoms and rights, including the right to work, education, and movement. Following the increase in repressive measures, some countries and human rights organisations are seeking to hold the Taliban accountable by referring Afghanistan's case to the Hague Court.

The Taliban leader recently said that he will not be burdened by any power to implement Islamic law. He has said that Islamic law is more important than interaction with the world.

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