Taliban Publicly Flogs Woman In Faryab

Saturday, 12/28/2024

The Taliban's Supreme Court has announced that a woman has been flogged in public on charges of "theft" in Andkhoy district of Faryab province.

According to the report, the Taliban's primary court in Andkhoy sentenced the woman to 39 lashes and carried out the sentence in front of the public.

The Taliban's Supreme Court said in a statement that the woman was sentenced to flogging on Thursday, December 26, in the courtyard of the group's primary court in Andkhoy district in the presence of local officials, court clients and the general public.

Despite strong opposition from international human rights organisations, the Taliban has continued corporal punishment of defendants across Afghanistan.

The group considers public flogging to be an order of "Islamic law" and considers its implementation to be its "religious obligation".

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